Monday, June 15, 2009

ISMN: The Wizard

I wanted to quickly post about the third Incredibly Strange Movie Night held this past Saturday night. OK - this one was my favourite of all! Maybe because we actually got to go to somewhere else other than my own backyard for the screening of The Wizard. Katie went all out with a special 2 page quiz on Nintendo and the Wizard. I'm proud to share that I came in second place and won the Lucas Barton prize of Twizzlers and Twinkie lipgloss! Actually, all the prizes were pretty awesome.

I've seen this movie more than any other and I really didn't think there could possibly be any more jokes to be made...but I was wrong! There were a bunch of new things to laugh hysterically at. I remember at some point I was losing my breath and unable to stop laughing at every dumb joke, it was so much fun!

I can't possibly begin to cover everything Katie did to make this event so much fun, but she blogged a full account of the event here!

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