Friday, September 24, 2010

shiitake fried rice

Last night we had Shiitake Fried Rice for dinner.

I really enjoy a good fried rice for dinner. I've always made chicken fried rice and have been making it for so long that the original recipe that I began working from is only a shadow of how altered my current recipe is. So I thought it would be nice to press reset on the whole fried rice idea and make Everyday Food's version.

I feel like fried rice is like making a stir-fry in that you need to have everything prepped first before you begin. Some people believe it's a quick meal, but I can vouch that it is not. Trimming snow peas is a very tedious job that I might just pay if the grocery store sold them chopped with strings removed. Or maybe I just need a sous chef. Once complete, this recipe was good. The seasoning is great but I still prefer mine. Probably the best part of chicken fried rice is how the chicken and the egg taste together. That's pretty much the highlight of mine, so to part with that kinda took the magic away.

Actually, Owen had chicken fried rice. I felt his dinner needed more protein since I didn't want to give him the omelet part of the shiitake fried rice (babies under 1 year are to not eat egg whites). So he had a steamed chicken thigh along with his fried rice. The snow peas and carrot were a little too tough for him to chew, so I blitzed it in the processor and he absolutely loved this dinner.

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